VGI Collection 3

 Picture stories you will enjoy about ancient India.

3000 B.C (5000 years old)
Religious objects which people of Harappa Civilization worshiped.
( National Museum, Delhi )

Achyutaraya Temple, Hampi

Coins of Magadha Empire.
(National Museum Delhi)

Kaushambi is situated in the west of Allahabad in U.P
2200 Years Old Fortified Wall (Revetment) Made of Baked Bricks , Constructed In 2nd Century B.C For Defence of Ancient City of Kaushambi .
Kaushambi Was Capital of Vatsa Janpada and Was an Important Center During Mahatma Buddha's Period .

2500 B.C :Dice From Indus Valley Civilization 
( Lahore Museum)

375 - 415 A.D - 'Tiger Slayer' Coin of Emperor Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(National Museum Delhi)

Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh: The Stupa depicts love for rich biodiversity. Duck, alligator, fish, monkey, trees, flowers, .. all are depicted with such precision.

Medical Surgery was widely practiced in India.
2nd Century B.C - 2nd Century A.D :: Surgical Instruments , Sirkap ,Taxila 
(Photo - Taxila Museum )

2000 B.C : Pottery From Indus Valley Civilization 
(National Museum , Delhi )

2000 B.C : Pottery From Indus Valley Civilization 
(National Museum , Delhi )

3rd Century BC Mauryan Era Structure With Staircase 
In Pataliputra-Patna

2000 B.C : Pottery From Indus Valley Civilization 
(National Museum , Delhi )



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