Paintings Depicting Various Trades and Professions During British Rule.

Paintings Depicting Various Trades & Professions Of People During East India Company Rule. In 1826, East India Company hired artists to paint and depict various trades to raise taxes on trade in India. A few such pictures are presented here. These paintings show the costume and tools used by these people 200 years back. The Paintings 1. Knitter - Observe Janeeva 2. Farmer 3. Potter 4. Sonar 5. Tambuli ( Paan Shop) 6. Bheesti or Water Carrier. 7. Natteen, or Juggler 8. Dana Pisne Wali.. Miller 9. Lalla: Writer 10. Durzee, Tailor 11. Tokree Bananewale; Basket Maker. 12. Hookah Maker 13. Palanquin Bearer 14. Muchlee Wallee, Fisherwoman 15. Muchlee Walee - Another depiction 16. Mithaiwala - Sweet seller ...