Kurukshetra & Linga Parvata of Champasak, Laos.

A Story of Forgotten Kurukshetra & Linga Parvata of Champasak Province, Laos - 1500 yrs ago & 1000 miles from India.



There is a mountain called LINGPARVAT with natural ‘linga’ (almost 10 meter high on top) in Champasak province, Laos.



Some 1500 years ago a King named Devanika decided to create a new TIRTH and named it 'New Kurukshetra' in this territory. The king himself states in an inscription that he was inspired by Bramha, Vishnu & Shiva.

Around 400 AD King Devanika built city Shreshthapur and also built A temple called Wat Phu.


Later it became the part of Khmer Empire of Kambuja Desa (modern Combodia) but the area retained same spiritual significance.

A new city called Lingapuram was established nearby and a royal road directly linked this tirtha to new capital city of Angkor vat. Over time Khmer emperors endowed it with impressive temples, palaces, tanks & roads.  


This new Kurukshetra of S E Asia remained a spiritual centre for Hindus of Kambuja Desa for over 1000 yrs till the decline of Hinduism. 



It shows how well entrenched Indian civilization was in South East Asia during ancient times.


 The site later became a centre of Theravada Buddhist worship, which it remains today.


In the early start of the 1st millennium, the region now forming Cambodia and Laos was ruled by the Champa dynasty of kings. They were called the Cham rulers. In 400 AD, the Cham King Devanika faced constant attacks from invaders coming from near the South China Sea. 

One day, very fearful and dejected about losing, King Devanika wandered into the forests in deep thought and worry. Tired, worn out and with depressing thoughts, Devanika took refuge in a mountain cave. An old wise sage, who was meditating in that cave, saw the dejected Devanika sitting down in a slump, and in his booming voice addressed the emperor – “Glory be to the divine powers. O King! What brings you here. King Devanika immediately fell at his feet and poured out his heart to the wise man “Oh wise sage, attackers are annexing my territory. My people are being killed and their families are being broken. I am at fault, because I have been incapable of protecting my people! It is a shame O great sage!”

The omniscient wise man just smiled and said “O almighty king, the time has come for you to regain your glory in a new land. Did you know that Lord Shiva himself has descended from the heavens and taken abode atop a mountain? The lingam stands resplendent in the rising sun. Go and find the Lord, O King! Build a stately temple that is as majestic as Lord Shiva himself. Worship that lingam, and all your former glory will be restored. You shall build a new empire, your progeny shall flourish and dharma shall be established. Go! Do not waste precious time in lamenting thus! With the grace of the Lord, anything can be achieved” King Devanika’s courage was restored by the auspicious words of the sage. He bowed to him in deep respect and set out for his search.

 King Devanika assembled his troubled people, and they all began their pilgrimage in search of Lord Shiva. After several weeks of tiring journey, they arrived at the base of a tall mountain and decided to camp for the night. At dawn, the golden rays of the sun began to escape the horizon and lit up the sky in a beautiful tint of red. Devanika was awakened by the chirping birds, and he stood up, rubbing his eyes and lo! On the top of that very same mountain stood the lingam glowing in the golden rays of the rising sun. He was stunned by this breath-taking view. When everyone awoke, they celebrated for having found the abode of Lord Shiva.

As foretold by the sage, Devanika had found the new land where he had to establish his dharmic rule. Inspired by the principles set forth in the Mahabharata war, he named this land “New Kurukshetra”. The mountain was named “Lingaparvata” (the mountain of the linga). Devanika established his new empire with Shreshthapur as his capital. The people that lived in the region along with the people who came with Devanika, became the forerunners of the prosperous Khmer people.

A huge temple called Wat Phu was also built. Wat Phu exists even today. The original buildings were replace around 11th century but it is in ruins. If the ruins themselves are so majestic and astounding in their architecture, we can only perceive how magnificent the original temple would have been.  

Mahabharata had happened in 3102 BCE. King Devanika had found the lingaparvata in 456 CE. 4800 years after the great war. The Khmer kings that followed Devanika were also very prosperous, until their decline in 14th century was caused by western aggression. 

Glories of Kurukshetra ( Kurukshetra  Mahtmya )


A stone inscription describes the glories of Kurukshetra (Kurukshetra Mahtmya) 1000 miles away from India in the following words.


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