Gommateshwara Statue : Tallest Monolithic Statue.

The Gommateshwara statue is the tallest monolithic statue in the world, carved out of a single block of granite. It is 57-foot (17 m) high monolithic and located on Vindyagiri at Shravanbelagola in the state of Karnataka.  It is so tall that it can be seen from 30 km away.


It was build 1000 years before "Christ the Redeemer" & "Statue of Liberty".  The Bahubali statue has no human errors at all. If one draws a line in the middle, it is perfectly symmetric.

The Gommateshwara statue is dedicated to the Jain Tirthanker Bahubali. It was built around 983 A.D. and is one of the largest free standing statues in the world. The construction of the statue was commissioned by the Ganga Dynasty minister and commander, Chavundaraya

In 2007, the statue was voted as the first of Seven Wonders of India in a Times of India poll; 49% of the total votes went in favor of it.



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