Four Types of Non-Devotees.

Charles Darwin

Bhagvad Gita verse 7/15 describes four types of people who are unable to surrender to God.

 मां दुष्कृतिनो मूढाः प्रपद्यन्ते नराधमाः 

माययापहृतज्ञाना आसुरं भावमाश्रिताः 

na māṅ duṣkṛtinō mūḍhāḥ prapadyantē narādhamāḥ.māyayāpahṛtajñānā āsuraṅ bhāvamāśritāḥ৷৷7.15৷৷

Bg 7.15 — Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.
(Four kinds of miscreants who don't surrender will be described further.) 


The atheistic plan-makers are described herein by the word 'duskrtinah', or miscreants. Krtina means one who has performed meritorious work. The atheist plan-maker is sometimes very intelligent and meritorious also, because any gigantic plan, good or bad, must use intelligence to execute. But because the atheist's brain is improperly utilized in opposing the plan of the Supreme Lord, the atheistic plan maker is called duskrtina, which indicates that his intelligence and efforts are misdirected.
These duskrtinas, or miscreants, are of four different patterns, as outlined below. 

(1) Mudhas or foolish (मूढ़ा)


The 'mudhas' are those who are grossly foolish, like hard-working beasts of burden. They want to enjoy the fruits of their hard labor thoroughly. The typical example of the beast of burden is the ass. 

In reality this humble beast is made to work very hard by his master. The ass does not really know for whom he works so hard day and night. He remains satisfied by filling his stomach with a bundle of grass, sleeping for a while under fear of being beaten by his master, and satisfying his sex appetite at the risk of being repeatedly kicked by the opposite party.

(2) Naradhama, or the lowest of mankind (नराधम)


Another class of duskrti, or miscreant, is called the 'naradhama', or the lowest of mankind. Nara means human being, and adhama means the lowest. There are numerous lower forms of human life that are mostly uncivilized. The civilized human beings are those who have regulative principles of social, political and religious life. Those who are socially and politically developed, but who have no religious principles, must be considered naradhamas. There is no religion without God. The purpose of following religious principles is to know the Supreme Truth and man's relation with Him.

(3) Mayayapahrta-jnanah, or persons in illusion (मायया अपहृत ज्ञाना)


Charles Darwin 

Karl Marx 

Sigmund Freud 

 The next class of duskrti is called 'mayayapahrta-jnanah', or those persons whose erudite knowledge has been nullified by the influence of illusion or 'Maya'. They are mostly very learned fellows — great philosophers, poets, literati, scientists, etc. - but the illusory energy misguides them. Their prime illusion is to think that they are bodyThey have no information of spirit-soul and thus all their philosophical and scientific research works are incorrect. As the basic premise of their understanding is wrong all their economic, social & political plans do not yield any conclusive result.

(4) Asuram or those of demonic principles (असुर)



 The last class of duskrti is called 'asuram bhavam asritah', or those of demonic principles. This class is openly atheisticThey are gross materialistic persons. They believe that gratification of senses is the only purpose of life. They keep making plans for money and power till the end of their life.

Therefore the conclusion : Four types of humans never surrender unto God in spite of all scriptural and authoritative advice.

 (1) grossly foolish persons - who work very hard for their masters & have 'no time'. 

 (2) the lowest of mankind - who have no ethical, moral principles & not even a political / economic system.


(3) the deluded speculators - primarily they have no idea of 'spirit soul' as the basis of consciousness.


(4) The professed atheists - who have rejected the existence of soul / super-soul / God in principle.



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