Bhagvad Gita describes the effect of anger on a person's downfall in a particular verse. The verse is as following -

क्रोधाद्भवति सम्मोहः सम्मोहात्स्मृतिविभ्रमः
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति 2.63

Bg 2.63 
From anger, complete delusion arises, and
from delusion bewilderment of memory.
When memory is bewildered, intelligence is destroyed, and
when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.

The verse has four parts and we will try to understand each part separately.

1.     FROM ANGER COMPLETE DELUSION ARISES. (क्रोधाद्भवति सम्मोहः)

Anger is directionless: In the last verse it was said that by trying to satisfy oneself by sense gratification, one actually increases the intensity of lust. Moreover the senses do not have the capacity to enjoy endlessly. Over a period of time the fire of lust keeps increasing in vigor and transforms into fire of anger. It is to be understood that this anger is directionless. There also occurs a thought to do something destructive. Generally it gets directed towards a person who works against the person’s will or honor. If the cause of one’s problem is not found externally then the anger may be directed towards one’s own self.
सम्मोह or delusion means absence of ability to judge between constructive work and destructive work.

Fire of anger
Brain is a machine: We see that certain electronic machines work optimally in air-conditioned atmosphere. In excessive heat the machines stop functioning. Similarly our brain does not function properly when fire of anger increases.  Just as the flow of current is interrupted in machine, the serenity of person is disrupted.

State of hypnotism covers the knowledge: The moment a person contemplates on sense objects a veil starts covering his knowledge. Contemplation leads to attachment and the veil becomes thicker. Attachment leads to lust which further envelops the knowledge. Lust develops into anger and the understanding is further shrouded. From anger delusion occurs and the person becomes hypnotized. At this stage a person forgets everything about himself. He works completely under the spell of anger. He is unable to judge what is advantageous and what is unbeneficial for him. 


Meaning of memory (स्मृति) : Memory means remembering those events that made strong impression on our minds. When we put hands in the fire we remember how previously fire had affected us. Previously we had seen an object or person falling and getting destroyed or wounded. When bewilderment of memory takes place we completely forget the pains and problems that came with previous accidents. It creates a dangerous situation for a person as he forgets the bad consequences and experiences of actions that he previously performed.

Another meaning of memory (स्मृति) : Memory can be applied to knowledge of scriptures, advice of saints and values that were imbibed by person. All the ideals that guided the life of a person are forgotten. The memory of those instructions gets destroyed.


Foot in the mouth
‘Intelligence is destroyed’ this phrase has two meanings-

   1) Destroyed means dysfunctional- It means the sharp sword of intelligence through which we discriminate becomes blunt.

  Destroyed also means lost or unavailable for use.


The word used in Bg. Gita is ‘प्रणश्यति'.
The word प्रणश्यति has different meanings.

1.    प्रणश्यति  means go away: Person’s  sharp intelligence becomes blunt and thus he is unable to cut the ropes that bind him to illusion or maya.  Person is thus taken away to region of illusion.

2.    प्रणश्यति means going out of sight: Bg Gita is specially spoken for saintly person like Arjun who continuously see the presence of God everywhere. It is further said in Bg. Gita that those who see HIM always, are ‘seen’ by HIM always. This reciprocation of ‘seeing each other’ stops.

3.     प्रणश्यति means falls down: Person falls down from his values, principles, position etc. 

Five horses are the five senses, mind is the reign, intelligence is the driver & living entity is the person sitting in it 


    According to scriptures our physical body is compared to chariot.  Senses are the horses, mind is the reign, intelligence is the driver of chariot and living entity is the person sitting on the chariot. It is certain that if the driver of the chariot (intelligence) is lost the chariot will meet with an accident because the senses which are like five horses are not being controlled. 

 *To know how anger is generated visit: How Anger is Generated?




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