
Showing posts from August, 2017

Satva, Rajas & Tamas Gun : The Science of values

Understanding The Science of Human Values Why should we practice higher values and renounce sub-human tendencies? Is it for the welfare of the society & nation? Is it to make the world a better place to live? Well! The reasons may be internal rather than external. They may be more personal than societal. Bhagwad Geeta which is a summary of Indian wisdom provides the science behind Human Values.   It describes the cause and effect relationship of practicing different values. It also guides us to be at the platform of ‘ABSOLUTE’ or ‘ADVAIT’ at which there is no duality of good-bad or high-low. The subject can be understood by knowing " Prakrti  Ke  Teen  Gun or  Three Modes of nature".  The following is the translation and description of important verses of Bhagwad Geeta on the subject.  Saatvik Gun:Welfare, Serving Poor, Distributing Food, Providing Knowledge, God Consciousness, etc  Rajsik Gun: Competitive, Intense activity, Desires Ta

Are Hindus Worshipers of Many Gods?

An Ancient Sculpture of Tridev: Bramha-Vishnu-Mahesh Considered to be the Same Person With Different Forms. Polytheism or Monotheism   What does Bhagwad Geeta say on the issue of One God or many Gods?   Bhagwad Gita suggests worshipping only one supreme God who is sitting in the heart along with soul. The purpose of worship should be liberation from the cycle of birth and death.  Bhagvad Gita gives many suggestions but, no commands. According to Bhagwad Gita worshipers of Devtas & Devis are either distressed or motivated by small desires and are less intelligent people. They are in ignorance (tamas gun) and passion (rajas gun) and are not spiritually evolved. They take shelter of Devtas & Devis for immediate fulfillment of material desires.   We present simple translation of certain verses from Bhagwad Geeta which will throw light on the subject.     Krishna Advises Arjun to Surrender to God in the Heart Bhagvad Gita's Persp

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Are Hindus Worshipers of Many Gods?